26 July 2008

The Legend Continues After The Man

There are some who think men should not cry. I believe that at this moment in time, even rocks are crying. The world lost Randy Pausch 25 July 2008. If your not into UTube, his entry may give you a reason to be so.

His lessons of life are amazing.

Of course, this blog is about IT Training, and among other things, Randy was one hella of a trainer.

The AP wire entry on his passing noted

"At Carnegie Mellon, he was a professor of computer science, human-computer interaction and design, and was recognized as a pioneer of virtual reality research. On campus, he became known for his flamboyance and showmanship as a teacher and mentor."

Personally, I owe this man a great deal. While I have stood by my own beliefs in my style to create Training Remembered (TM), some have taken some pretty low shots at me for my "flamboyance and showmanship."

I don't know if Randy ever read the ground breaking book, Memories Voice. It shows us how brains work. Being "flamboyant" helps gets facts in the brain faster.

So to Randy I say: Until I get the moment to thank you in person for all you have done still on this planet, I thank you from this planet.
