14 April 2006

Go Ahead, Bite the Apple

As I said before, I’m not posting for the sake of posting.

Now that Apple has Boot Camp with a corporate offering of an unofficial way to load Microsoft XP, it is time to talk Apple. I got the 20” I-Mac the day the driver contest was done. Ok. The next morning (Saturday) because I didn’t hear the news the contest was over till Friday evening.

2 weeks later Apple posts Boot Camp.

So I got to admit, I am pretty impressed with the hardware and software that is native to Apple. I haven’t looked @ them since I was burned with the Lisa.

Even so impressed, I’m going to take my Apple Certification tests and get the functional equal to the MCSE. --- There you go: I said it publicly, so now I have to do it.

Should you wish to dig further, try http://train.apple.com/certification/
Best, Tcat

09 February 2006

Boycott The State Of Florida

Any one who knows me knows I've been around the block a few decades.

I could never understand why all the crooks and thieves live in FL. Well I know now. It is because there laws for proving a person committed a "white collar" crime like stealing my work, (and my name, reputation) etc.... is not something Law Enforcement will touch in their own back yard!
I know. A good man contacted me this week about

He already had purchased work I created for
http://www.totalrecallpress.com and http://www.studyexam4less.com via ExamSaver.

The Clearwater, Fl based ExamSavers owned by Jason Bortz, is Out Right Lying via telemarketers that they have brand new material I created just for them! I had never heard of them before! Nor have I contracted or endorsed any work for them.

Well a little digging I discovered two things:
1) Jason and ExamSaver have judgments entered in court for failing to pay as agreed and collection agencies are after this outfit.
2) I spoke with no less than 3 government agencies in FL who bottom line said, we cannot help you. It is a civil matter to file in WA state. I guess FL thinks, as long as the money is coming to FL we don't care if its legal money earned or not. At least that it seems how the law works in Florida.

As I have said in this blog before. Bitching won't fix it. Action will.

I am asking you to boycott firms that are Florida based. Not just the criminals like Jason and ExamSaver who stealing from me my work and also affect my reputation with false and fraudulent assertions.

I want you to deny a dollar to the GOOD firms like SunBeltTools.com too. Stu from SunBelt has the power and the moxy to make FL lawmakers tighten up the scam haven they are running down there.

Sorry Stu. You’re a good man with a good operation. And you got the clout to fix your home state. That is the cross you have to bear. Leave FL or fix it. In the meantime, while I thank you for saving Kerio firewall and keeping it free to home users, I'm going to tell the world to take your free gifts and not give you a dime until you make FL fix itself or move. May I suggest Huntsville, AL ? Nice people, lots of tech folks due to the Goddard Space Center, low cost of living. Trade up buddy!


26 January 2006

Expansion: 2006 Style

As we move towards February 2006 and Cupid Day (14 February 2006)...

I have keeping my on-going "LUV" relationship up with Southwest Airlines. And it occurred to me that other people want to create a value for value LUV relationship with you! I know because I was busting my butt behind the scenes.

So soon to be publicly announced, I bring you:
Great Rates from the Network Professional Association

The NPA is a vendor neutral ORG focused on networking and has positions open for the folks just starting out to the old farts like me and Ed as well as everything in between.

This is a great org! I was surprised to read the newsletter and find out that my old buddy from way back, Ed Tittel and I renewed with the NPA and CNP status in the same month!

The great rates deal is currently only available to a few of our friends north of me (Canada) and to ETA-I.ORG members. Now don't get me wrong. I don't tell Newfie jokes. And I'm not Canadian but I have been an ETA-I.ORG member for years. So you can understand my nature prejudice to say this is also available to ETA-I.ORG members.

Not an ETA-I.ORG member yet? Got A+? => Get a 2nd Certification (Computer Service Technician) from the ETA-I.ORG for $49.00 AND get all (CompTIA/Microsoft) RU Ready practice tests from

This gets you an entire team effort for your future career AND covers you with a 2nd certification as well as a direction otherwise not open to you. In closing... If you are known by the company you keep... I have been a proud member of CompTIA and the NPA going well back to the previous century; I joined StudyExam4Less and the ETA-I.ORG as this century dawned.

Looking in the rear-view mirror of my life, these we're some of the better choices I made. Please learn from my wins. The bonus is for most of you, this comes from the cheap seats to boot.

06 January 2006

Above all, to thine own self follow thine own advice

With apologies to Shakespeare I think when he said that it
is most important to look at yourself honestly it logically follows that if you’re giving advice, you damn well better be following it.

Well it’s not exactly like I fell off the wagon.

For a while there I just wasn’t studying new topics in a big way. Sure I keep up each day with the new news: how about 10GB 1” micro drives for cell phones?


Excuse me --- that is small stuff. To be honest, my brain hasn’t been challenged to take on a major project such as say, learn a new language. Like many of us, I did the New Years Resolution thing. Unlike some, I usually stick to what I say I’m going to do (even when it starts hurting). If you’re new to the name of doing what you say you will --- I got some great news: If you make a promise to yourself or someone else and it becomes painful, the mouth quickly learns to become a self sealing entity.

The odd thing (for me) is my next major thing isn’t IT related. I have decided I am going to become reasonably fluent in reading and speaking Spanish. I guess writing will become the next logical step afterwards.

It is my approach that is typical of Tcat but isn’t typical of the world. First, a confession: – My personality style is both damn lazy and very short on patience when the results column is coming up a bit short. Given that I want to satisfy those two traits I have to find “outside the box” ways of getting things done, without looking for something for nothing.

So for more than 30 years I have been an advocate of learning while sleeping. If you are of the belief that because you are sleeping you are somehow “temporally dead” you can either stop reading this now or go get a bit more information.

I started this game in life with a carbon microphone and a reel-to-reel tape deck. It served me well back then. However technology changed life (BIG TIME). And in this entry I’m detailing how I am moving on the Next Big Learning while sleeping.

Really it is a combination of technologies, all really interesting.

I’ll start with my MP3 player. It is from SanDisk. It weighs in @ about 40 Grams (About 1.5 ounces), with its single AAA battery. While it’s mere 512MB can only hold about 18 hours of instruction I can stick upwards of another 2GB of flash memory in the side while adding approx. 4 grams of weight. That RAM takes me to over 60 unique hours of instruction. This is more than a typical class week of a boot camp or nearly double the regular working hours of a week (assuming 100% productivity).

Now the 18 hour thing of 512 MB works out really well because that is what the player is rated for on a single AAA alkaline battery. However I’m an eco friendly guy so I went to Radio Shack and get a modified version of the Nickel Metal Hydride rechargeable battery system. They say a single charge lasts 4 times longer than an alkaline and it can be recharged in 15 minutes. So now I got a solid week worth of instruction with no batteries to buy or chargers to haul around.

Total investment (so far) about $100.USD

Now the i-Pod like ear buds that came with the SanDisk may be fine for the Greyhound @ 30 K FT (Southwest Airlines) for daytime learning and I’m not thrilled at the idea of rolling around in my sleep getting tangled up in sound cord. I have always said “go to Radio Shack” for a pillow speaker. Well it turns out Sharper Image has a similar just more expensive offering too.

Well in my digging into tech 2006 style I found @
http://www.dreamessentials.com/a_relax_pillowsonic.aspx , which is a stereo version and flat as a bug in a rug for $20. Trust me, its great. I’ve added about 30 grams to my backpack for my road warrior days.

To complete the tech tour and major brain upgrade I am happy to receive input. Google fails me, completely and utterly. This is because while the most fantastic
http://www.wordsgalore.com/ (freeware, several languages) works perfectly while sitting in front of my laptop, however seems to stutter and struggle with making working MP3 files. While I will put in time to see if I can fix Words Galore remember I said I’m pretty focused about getting hash marks in the win column, QUICKLY ?

Google shows me commercial offerings starting @ $40 --- for young children who will interact with the computer (and I want to sleep). Moving up the wallet draining offers what I am looking for is hovering about $250-500 USD. It appears instant gratification (3 days by postal mailing) isn’t cheap.

eBay to the rescue. I found new from an established seller the same 8 CD set that was $400 as a 2005 edition (updated and used) for less than $30 delivered with insurance. Now we are talking a total investment that is doable on a teacher’s salary.

Back to the MP3 player. RIP the CD’s cheer to MP3. Plug in the USB V2 cable. The MP3 player wakes up and becomes a removable disk drive. 10 minutes of Copy/Paste. Like a magician, a week worth of training in a package not much bigger than the Zippo lighter I packed in the Army.

Isn’t technology wonderful?

No, I have not gone to the trouble of “time warping” and burying the data in subliminal format (yet). This is the first week of the New Year. Funny, but it took time to research the best shortcuts for a major brain upgrade, 2006 style.

I can tell you that even without the subliminal format I began to have dreams about my brain upgrade on night 3. Right on time for me! What I found so funny was: the dream incorporated the fact that the data was not subliminal. The dream was making it OK to be back in the Army and learning this “new” way. And I must be getting old: the women in my dreams we’re way cuter than the one’s I remember from the Army. Let me think about this till next time…
